Explore our tutorials to ensure you’re getting the most out of eMediaVA. Our library of classroom-ready digital media is searchable by keyword, SOL, type of media, and more. Explore our tutorials, learn how to access your free account, share and organize materials, and engage your students with innovative digital media content from eMediaVA.
Podcasting with Students of All Ages
Learn how Denyse Phelps is promoting student voice at her school with podcasting.
Citizen Science or Community Science? Science Events in the Library
Librarian and eMediaVA Ambassador Dale Harter shares his experiences hosting a Citizen Science event in the school library.
Where’s My Stuff? Getting Students Organized with Wakelet
Learn more about how Wakelet can be used by teachers and students alike.
Iceberg Straight Ahead: Multi-Disciplined Research and the Titanic
English teacher Heidi Speece outlines a new approach to student research projects, using the Titanic.
Tips for Increasing Children’s Appetite for Reading
Increase your child’s love of reading with these tips from eMediaVA Ambassador Janel Kelley.
It’s Free! Finding Fun, New Resources to Add to Your Curriculum
Educator Kristen Strickland shares her favorite FREE digital resources for PreK-12 educators!
Celebrating Student Art
Educator Tammy Byram shares practical ideas for integrating Youth Art Month into your classroom, library, and school.
Music: The Sound of My Heart | Music in Our Schools Month
March is Music in Our Schools Months. Around the country, music educators and students celebrate and explore the lasting impact music has on our lives.
Lesser-known Virginia Women for Women’s History Month
As Women’s History Month approaches, teachers begin thinking about what notable women they can introduce to their students. Here are some of the less touted Virginia women your students should know.